With the intention of promoting local consumption and the restaurant industry we had the pleasure of interviewing Armando Villegas, the last of the veterans of the Caesar´s Hotel and Restaurant in Tijuana, a place known for creating the original recipe of the world famous Caesar salad.

Armando commented that because of the pandemic he offers the to go service to any area of Tijuana; which with the help of his “Bati Caesar” delivers the delicious salad. Through this number, (664) 221-78-20, he is able to give service everyday from 10:00 a.m. to 10 p.m.

After more than 4 decades of experience, the profession has left Armando numerous gratifications, “It means a lot to me because it's what I´ve done all of my life, I´ve prepared this dish for over 36 years”.

The Caesar salad elaboration consists of a technique where not only ingredients converge.
First comes the love with which one makes it. First we add the anchovy, garlic , Dijon mustard, an egg that has passed through boiling water for 1 minute, we mix it, form the dressing, add the lettuce and assemble it with its croutons. Right now I am adding chicken to make a more complete dish

The veteran salad maker remembered the moment when he arrived in this city: “I came from La Paz, Baja California, around 1985 and the first place I asked for a job was at the Caesar´s restaurant, they opened their doors for me. Mister Raúl Miramontes Nájera was there, many people might know who he was...that's where my adventure and my expertise of this legendary recipe began”.

In the beginning of 2020, Armando made a tour down the baja to promote the famous salad and boost the cuisine that makes the state unique.
I parted from Tijuana, from here, from the Aguacaliente Tower at the mayor's signal and went all the way to Cabo San Lucas”, he remarked, “It was a beautiful experience where I was able to share my knowledge and take Tijuana´s gastronomy, because there are people who don't know that the recipe is, proudly, from Tijuana

Also, the preparation is made under the corresponding health standards, with mouth and face masks, and gloves to prevent the contamination of the dish.
Assisted by his wife, Armando says that they both understand each other well and with great pleasure complete the task of preparing the salad from their Cacho neighborhood. They also have the option to take the ingredients to the foodie´s address and make it in front of them at that moment.

The concept “has gained great acceptance, a lot of people from here already know me and they know my recipe has all of the original ingredients”, he said.
Many people are unaware that the Caesar salad had a very particular way of enjoying it, which meant leaving the fork behind, “The lettuce was grabbed by the stem and it was eaten just like that, it gives it a special taste since the lettuce is not battered and its not broken by the knife of fork”, explained Armando, inviting people to do the same to have the whole experience.
Regarding the future, the salad maker is optimistic, he knows that he has an important role in the preservation of the dish. “The best part is to be able to keep sharing this dish to other generations so it doesn't just become part of history, to have young people that are interested in the preparation and elaboration of this magnificent recipe”.

We remind you that Armando takes this delicious Caesar salad to any part of Tijuana. You can order it by dialing (664)-221-78-20 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday.
