Baja California ranked as the state with the best job quality

This entity adds almost 90 points out of 100 on the scale of this index

Photo by: Archivo SDR

How many don't know someone who came to Baja California in search of better job opportunities and who still lives in this state of Mexico for having given them what they wanted so badly.

According to El Economista's Index of Quality and Competition of the State's Employment, Baja California was announced this Saturday as the state with the best quality of employment with figures at the end of the third quarter of 2020.

According to the results of this media, this region has a high quality and competence of the state occupation by adding 89.1 points of the 100 possible.

As part of the top three, Baja California is followed by Aguascalientes with 84 points and Chihuahua with 80.9. Meanwhile, Tlaxcala is at the bottom of the list, according to information from El Economista.

How many points would you have given Baja California in this index?


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