December: Mexican citizens will be able to cross the border with up to $500 in merchandise

Find out when and why at this time of year Mexicans returning to their country have this benefit

Photo by: Archivo SDR

Since restrictions on U.S.-Mexico border crossings due to the COVID-19 pandemic are in effect until December 21, and are not expected to reopen soon for travelers on tourist visas, some are already not contemplating their Christmas shopping this year in the U.S.

However, as of December 7, 2020 and until January 8, 2021, the Paisano Program will begin, which in addition to providing comprehensive care to fellow citizens who visit Mexico in the winter season, allows U.S. citizens or residents to enter up to $500 in merchandise.

This compares to the rest of the year, when they can only cross with $300 in merchandise, tax free.

In the event that several people travel to Mexico in a vehicle, up to 400 dollars are allowed to be accumulated, although for this to be respected they must be direct relatives, according to experts.

"Your family members' allowances can be accumulated if they all travel simultaneously and in the same means of transportation," as mentioned in the Paisano Program Guide.

Remember that these amounts are part of a franchise, which is understood as the additional merchandise to your luggage that you can cross into Mexico without paying taxes.


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