After a news article was circulated on social media stating that several Mexican states, such as Baja California, would implement a prohibition from December 21 to January 1, in order to avoid contagion from COVID-19, Ensenada authorities reported on the matter.
"In our municipality, the measure to apply a prohibition law has not yet been taken. We are working in a coordinated manner with the authorities and the business sector in the economic reactivation, applying strict biosecurity protocols," indicated the authorities of this port of Baja California.
This news article from a Facebook page, said that "the mayor of Ensenada, Armando Ayala reported that it is a measure taken jointly by the authorities of the Government of Mexico in consultation with the governors to try to stop the spread".
However, the government of Ensenada said that in order to not take such a drastic measure, it invited the population to continue to take care of themselves and respect the prevention measures against the current coronavirus.