According to the 2022 Urban Competitivity rate, the city of Tijuana is among the 10 main cities in Mexico with the best quality of life, a commitment that has been carried out during the administration of current mayor, Montserrat Caballero.

In a study carried out by the Mexican Institute of Competitivity (IMCO), an analysis was carried out in 66 cities, where Tijuana stood out in the sub-index “Inclusive, Prepared, and Healthy Society”. This metric measures the opportunities to train, attract, and make the best of human capital in the city with indicators such as educational coverage, medical offers, health services, and socioeconomic conditions.
The list of cities with more than 1 million inhabitants is led by Mérida, Yucatán, and, besides Tijuana, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Valle de México, Chihuahua, Guadalajara, Saltillo, Aguascalientes, and Monterrey were also included. It should be noted that Tijuana is the only municipality of Baja California that is ranked in this analysis by IMCO.

One of Tijuana’s strengths, according to the “Inclusive, Prepared, and Healthy Society” sub-index analysis is the low number of people that are below the welfare level, ranking #1 among the 66 cities that were assessed. It should be noted that indicators regarding health services matters are the lowest ratings in this sub-index, as they are handled by authorities from other levels of government.
Another metric where Tijuana stands out is in International Relations, as it was ranked #2 in a list of the cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. This list measures factors such as the international flow of people, tourism offers, and competitivity regarding logistic and trading matters.
Regarding economic matters, Tijuana was also ranked first place, at the top of the 66 cities, regarding its gross domestic product (GDP) rate and positioning itself as a thriving city with constant economic development.
The 24th Municipal Administration of Tijuana led by mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez continues to work in public policies, programs, and actions to elevate the quality of life of everyone who lives in the city, with better life, work, and safety opportunities, for a Tijuana for everyone.